Swallowing disorders, also known as dysphagia, are a common problem that can affect people of all ages. These disorders can make it difficult to swallow food or liquids, which can lead to malnutrition, dehydration, and even aspiration (inhaling food or liquid into the lungs).

Typesswallowing disorders

There are several different types of swallowing disorders, each with its own set of symptoms and causes. Some of the most common types include:

  • Oropharyngeal dysphagia: This type of swallowing disorder affects the muscles and nerves used for swallowing in the mouth and throat. It can cause difficulty swallowing, coughing or choking while eating, and a feeling of food getting stuck in the throat.
  • Esophageal dysphagia: This type of swallowing disorder affects the muscles and nerves used for swallowing in the esophagus. It can cause difficulty swallowing, chest pain, and a feeling of food getting stuck in the chest.
  • Neurological dysphagia: This type of swallowing disorder is caused by damage to the nervous system, such as a stroke or brain injury. It can cause difficulty swallowing, drooling, and a lack of coordination of the muscles used for swallowing.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): This type of swallowing disorder is caused by stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus, which can cause difficulty swallowing, heartburn and chest pain.


The causes of swallowing disorders can vary depending on the type, but can include injury or damage to the brain or nervous system, certain medical conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or multiple sclerosis, and certain medications.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis of a swallowing disorder typically involves a physical examination and a series of tests, such as a barium swallow test or a fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing.

Treatment of swallowing disorders depends on the underlying cause and can include physical therapy, medication, and in some cases, surgery. In some cases, a speech-language pathologist can help patients learn to use different swallowing techniques to improve their ability to swallow food and liquids.

Swallowing disorders make it difficult to swallow food or liquids, which can lead to malnutrition, dehydration, and even aspiration. There are several different types of swallowing disorders, each with its own set of symptoms and causes. It’s important to seek the help of a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. Contact Commonwealth ENT today.